Heart Rate Variability

What is HRV (Heart Rate Variability)?

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) testing is a simple and accurate test that uses complex mathematical calculations to analyze the rates and rhythms of the resting heartbeat pattern. The data can be evaluated to reveal the intricate balance between the Sympathetic Nervous and the Parasympathetic Nervous system. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) testing is today’s gold standard to analyze the overall effects of stress and anxiety in patients of any age.

HRV Explanation

Left side-Sympathetic Dominance (Fight or Flight)

Right Side- Parasympathetic Dominance (Rest and Digest)

Green-The body is adapting to stress very well.

Yellow- The body is still doing pretty well but may have an off day here and there.

Orange- The body is struggling to adapt to stress.

Red- The body is in complete overwhelm and exhaustion.