Nurturing Our Spiritual Wellness

There is a saying that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. That this life we’ve been given is temporary, and we are here on Earth to learn and grow. Sometimes the conditioning of life and family patterns can weigh us down. We may feel like we do not have enough energy and there is too much information to process. Perhaps we are not living our best life, and we feel disconnected. This is a telltale sign it’s time to nurture our spirit and soul!

So how can we do this? Regardless of how you grew up and your belief system, most of us long for a sense of purpose and connection to others. We are all part of the web of connection with a higher power that weaves us all together, whatever that means to you.

Spiritual wellness involves one's values, beliefs, and purpose, and can be achieved in many ways. Here are just a few examples to improve this aspect of your life: 

  • Gratitude
    Stop while you are reading this and count three or more things you are grateful for in this moment. Be aware of what's positive and notice the sacredness in your surroundings. 

  • Meditation
    Take five minutes a day to sit quietly and connect with your deepest self. Breath, body and sound are three anchors you can use to bring yourself into the present moment. There are many options and apps to choose from if you need guided meditation (Yes, we say “unplug” below, but technology can help guide you also!)

  • Sanctuary
    Create or find a place that makes you feel calm and relaxed so you can reflect on your day or week.

  • Unplug
    Set aside time each morning to limit your use of digital devices and technology. Spend more time outdoors, reading, painting, dancing or just hanging out with people you care about.

  • Mindfulness 
    Find a mindfulness exercise that works for you, such as yoga/movement, biofeedback or red-light therapy.  Bringing yourself to the present moment allows you to not be distracted by the past nor worry about the future. 

  • Help others 
    Volunteer, be of service or spend time helping neighbors and friends. The rewards of doing so are bountiful!

  • Self-care
    There are many ways to incorporate self-care. Even a bath with some Epsom salt can help after a long day. At Vitality, we offer NetworkSpinal chiropractic, Massage, Reiki, detox foot baths and lend an ear when needed.

  • Journal 
    Keep a journal to express your deepest thoughts and feelings, get them out of your head and onto paper to reflect on your spiritual growth. 

  • Grounding
    Go outside and get your bare feet in the grass or even lay down in the grass.

  • Nature 
    Take a walk or hike on your favorite trail. There are so many options to explore locally. See what treasures you find and what comes to you while in nature.

  • Faith 
    Join a religious organization and/or explore different spiritual traditions. Connect with whatever this means to you! Being a part of a community is very important for nourishing your spirit. 

 As soon as you notice you feel disconnected, stressed or worried, be grateful you are aware. Then take inspired action to rejuvenate and reconnect to whatever fills your cup by using any of the methods above. Strive for 5 minutes or more per day to bring spiritual healing to yourself and that will certainly emanate to everyone you encounter.  

 This concludes our “Wellness” blog series. Taking care of our physical, mental/emotional, nutritional and spiritual wellness is vital to our overall health. Each one of these aspects supports the other, and when you take care of each piece of you then you have a whole and healthy you.


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