Endocrine Health
Do you feel like your hormones are out of whack and no one can figure it out?
Are you tired of being handed prescriptions that just cause more problems?
At Vitality we fully believe in the body’s capacity to restore balance in all aspects, including the endocrine system in both males and females. When working with the endocrine system it’s best to use multiple tools to get a clear picture of each unique case. We have several options to assess your current endocrine health and recommendations for healing are tailored for each individual.
These may involve several techniques such as:
Saliva Diagnostic Testing
Difficulty losing weight
Poor memory or difficulty retaining information
Muscle and joint pain or weakness
Easy bruising or excessive stretch marks
Saliva holds an amazing amount of biological information. Seeking the Causes of Fatigue, Stress and Anxiety with saliva.
Saliva is the best method for measuring free, active levels of cortisol
The collection process is non-invasive and painless
24-hour measurement provides a more complete image of your body’s stress response
Are you experiencing chronic stress, insomnia, anxiety and fatigue? Having trouble losing weight? This test can help you discover the causes, by measuring cortisol and other hormones through saliva over 24 hours. We can give you more complete measurements and deeper context for your hormone levels than standard serum and urine testing.
Our Adrenal Stress Index Saliva Test can be helpful if you experience:
Chronic stress and stress-related health conditions
Fatigue or lack of energy
Anxiety or depression
Irritability or mood swings
Insomnia, sleep disturbances or difficulty waking
Hormonal Testing
Adrenal Stress Index (ASI)
The ASI evaluates endocrine measures of stress regarding adrenal hormonal metabolism, glycemic control, immune status, and gluten sensitivity. (This includes the following tests: Cortisol X4, DHEA, Insulin, Progesterone, Gluten Antibody, and sIgA) This comprehensive panel is an ideal evaluation for practice members under chronic stress or with known or suspected endocrine abnormalities.
Flexi Matrix
The Flexi Matrix allows you to combine more than one hormonal or gastrointestinal panel, making it customized to your own needs. The Flexi Matrix can be a combo of the following tests:
ASI-Adrenal Stress Index
PostM-Post Menopausal
ePostM- Extended Post-Menopausal
MHP-Male Hormonal Panel
eMHP-Extended Male Hormonal Panel
FP-Food Panel
GI-1/GI-2- Gastrointestinal Health Panels